AC Meter, Kilowatt Hour, Form 2S, 240v, Class 200, Option Pulse Board VST-2SP, V
AC Meter, Kilowatt Hour, Form 2S, 240v, Class 200, Option Pulse Board VST-2SP, Vision Metering
The Vision ST Meter is packed with capability. At Vision Metering, customer input has dictated the specifications upon which our meters were designed and manufactured. Our meters continue to evolve based on the expectations of our customers.
The Vision ST platform offers Demand, TOU, Load Profile, and Bidirectional functionality at no extra charge. You simply turn it on in the 20/20 Software and program the meter. In order to combat theft, Vision Metering has implemented magnetically shielded power supplies and/or current transformers for added security.
ANSI C12.18, C12.19, C12.20, & C37.90.1 CompliantUtilizes Current Transformer(s) for MeasurementAvailable for 120 or 240 or 480 VoltsRadio with Data on Demand or ERT Transmissions(Optional) with SCM and IDM Capability (Up to 5 ERTs)LCD Display is soldered to the boardAccuracy +/- 0.2%Uses Vision 20/20 Software for Programming (included withthe purchase of meters at no charge)Shipped with Accuracy better than +/- 0.15%Designed for 20 Year LifeBattery options for Display, Ram, and ClockStandard Delivered, Received & Net MeteringContinuous Instantaneous KW AvailableTOU, Load Profile, Reactive, Demand are Standard FeaturesNo exposed metal parts (when installed)Starting Watts < 1.2 @ 120 VAC50/60 Hz +/- 5%Utilizes Maxim Teridian Technology30 Digit User Defined Security KeyOptional Pulse Output BoardManufactured in the USA