SaveGreenMoney.Com is a GreenSavingGreen LLC website
Go Green and Save Some Green with SaveGreenMoney.Com!
SaveGreenMoney.com's goal is to provide high quality, reasonably priced and functional sustainable solutions that solve everyday environmental challenges that can benefit everyone. Our sustainable solutions allow you to effortlessly align your everyday purchases with your eco-values without sacrificing function, style or price. It's easier to become part of the solution than many people realize as these choices provide real benefits. Eco-friendly products that truly make a difference is what we seek to offer.
We started SaveGreenMoney because we wanted to ignite positive change and make a legitimate difference.
The benefit of shopping with Save Green Money is 3-fold - you get what you want, you're moving towards sustainable living and saving money in the process.
We are committed to delivering products that allow you to live well and balance your lifestyle with nature. Good for you. Good for the planet.
We also are committed to provide up to date Articles Videos and Links on how "Being Green" can be easy and save you some Greenbacks in the process.
Manufactured from used or waste materials that have been reprocessed for further use.
Renewable Energy
Wind Energy
Wind is the movement of air that occurs when warm air rises and cooler air rushes in to replace it. Wind energy has been used for centuries to sail ships and drive windmills for a variety of reason. Today, wind energy is captured by wind turbines and used to generate electricity.
Solar Energy
The sun is the most powerful source of renewable energy. It is good for heating, lighting, cooling homes and other buildings, generating electricity, water heating, and other industrial processes. The sun fuels most forms of renewable energy: heat from the sun causes the wind to blow which contributes to the growth of trees and other plants that are used for biomass energy, and plays an essential role in the cycle of evaporation and precipitation that makes hydropower possible.
Sustainable Material
Materials that are generated from resources that are managed in a way that they are, for all practical purposes, sustainable over an extended period of time (i.e., the resource is not depleted).